27 Dec

Our chefs at Nutmeg and Pepper have a fantastic Eggplant Salad recipe created for our new up and coming Autumn menu but we think it would be also great for Christmas ... here is the recipe

4 Serves


2 Large Organic Eggplant or 4 small Organic Lebanese Eggplant

1 punnet Organic Roma Cherry Tomatoes,  halved

1 Organic Pomegranate - de seed ready to garnish your salad

Fresh Mint leaves

Your choice of either Buffalo Mozerella or Persian Fetta

150g Greek Yoghurt

1/2 Tsp Tahini

1 Tsp Honey

1 Fresh Lime juiced

1 Tsp Cumin Powder


Combine the Lime, Cumin, Honey, Tahini and Yoghurt well and set aside in the refrigerator.

Slice the Eggplant in rounds and drizzle with a little olive oil. Season then bake in an oven on 180C for 20 mins or until golden. Allow to cool.

On a large salad platter, place the eggplant and top with the cherry tomatoes, torn mozarella or fetta and mint leaves. 

Just before you are ready to serve - drizzle with a little of the dressing and top with pomegranate as garnish.

Serve the remaining dressing on the side for your guests to add at their own taste preference.

Let us know how you enjoy this easy but tasty salad.

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